Thursday, May 12, 2022

Measuring Capacitors and Inductors with a NanoVNA

The NanoVNA is an amazing little instrument that puts test capabilities into the hands of hobbyists that were once only found on laboratory benches. One thing I wanted to do with mine was to measure capacitance and inductance without reading it directly from the Smith chart. To do this I started out making a jig from a couple SMA connectors and a terminal block. I used two connectors because eventually I want to use it to test filters, but for now I'm just using one terminal.

As you'll see, this isn't really a tutorial or how-to. It's my on-line lab notebook, complete with errors and unsolved puzzles. This was also an excuse to familiarize myself with a LaTeX equation editor plug-in.

To calculate the capacitance and inductance, you need to first measure reactance. Reactance is the characteristic of capacitors and inductors that opposes alternating current. I attempted to measure the reactance of two components:

A ceramic capacitor marked "65 - J" - a 65 picofarad capacitor. 

An inductor made from a T37-6 Toroid with ten turns of magnet wire. According to this website:, the inductance should be 0.30 microhenries.

The technique I found that worked the best for me was to get the measurement set up on the NanoVNA, and then perform a calibration before I actually wrote down the numbers displayed on the screen.

Here's the setup:

From the base menu select only one trace:DISPLAY, TRACE, TRACE 0
Set reactance for capacitors and inductors: DISPLAY, FORMAT, MORE, REACTANCE
Set a frequency start and stop STIMULUS, START, 1M, STOP, 30M
Adjust the scale and offset for a full screen graph: DISPLAY, SCALE, SCALE/DIV, <###>,  REFERENCE POSITION <###> 

Now perform a calibration (CAL, CALIBRATE) using the provided open, short, and load standards. Applying them at the end of the short test lead, rather than at the chassis NanoVNA should yield the best results.

The Nano VNA displays reactance in ohms on the top center and frequency on the top right. Note that the reactance is negative because our load is capacitive. 

As expected, the capacitor's plot, in addition to being negative, is curved because of its reciprocal relationship between frequency and reactance.

This is the equation for capacitive reactance:

$$X_C = \frac{-1}{2\pi f C }$$ 

It can be solved for capacitance if you know the frequency.

 $$C = \frac{-1}{2\pi f X_C }$$

I used the NanoVNA's cursor to measure the reactance at seven points and calculated the capacitance.

Capacitors typically have a tolerance of 20% which means that the measured value of this 65 picofarad capacitor was correct almost all the way to 30 Mhz. It's strange that the error changed with frequency.

For the inductor, the trace is positive and linear because the inductance is proportional to the frequency.

This is the equation for inductive reactance:

$$X_L = {2\pi f L }$$ 

It can be solved for inductance if you know the frequency.

 $$L = \frac{X_L}{2\pi f }$$

Again, I used the NanoVNA's cursor to measure the reactance at seven points and calculated the inductance.

Hmmm. Welp, the measured inductance almost twice the calculated inductance. And, the error increases with frequency again. Not sure what's going on here. Let's connect both the capacitor and the inductor, and see where it resonates, this time using the using FORMAT, RESISTANCE, rather than FORMAT, REACTANCE.

Resonance is occurring at 29.400 MHz. Since we can read frequency fairly accurately and the value of the capacitor is printed right on it, we may be able to cross-check our impedance value.

The formula for resonance is:
 $$f_0 = \frac{1}{2\pi \sqrt{LC} }$$

And solving for L:
$$L = \frac{1}{C(2\pi f_0)^2}$$

Plugging in the values for capacitance (measured as 79.8 pF at resonance) and frequency (29.8 MHz) the above equation yields an inductance of 0.37 uH. That's only 23% off the predicted value. Not too bad, even if my methods are questionable!

Let's do a double check on that resonance while we're at it. Resonance is where the capacitive and inductive reactances cancel out. If we plot their absolute values, it's where they cross on the graph.

It looks like the point at which the reactance lines cross is about 24 MHz, significantly lower than the 29.4 MHz resonance. Because of the shallow slope of the lines, capacitance only has to be a little lower or the inductance a little higher to move the crossover point significantly, so maybe this method's not too practical. 

I now have a few questions for further investigation.
  • Why did the values of capacitance and inductance increase with frequency?
  • Would I have gotten better results if I had chosen a capacitance that results in a steeper slope?
  • Can I obtain a more accurate measurement if I construct RC and RL filters using high precision resistors and calculate C and L based on their their 3 dB attenuation points?

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Stellar Time Lapse

As you may have seen in an earlier post, I had made an Arduino-based remote intervalometer for my EOS camera, with the intention of making a time-lapse of stars and hopefully the Milky Way rotating over the Pacific Ocean. I had gotten the inspiration for it when reviewing some exposure bracketing I had done when making some still images. When quickly reviewing the images it looked almost like a movie, so I adjusted the brightness and contrast of the images, and strung them together as a video proof of concept:

Over the holidays I got a chance to try it for real. There were a few changes I wanted to make to the intervalomenter to prepare. To implement these changes I needed to add a rotary encoder with a push-button. The initial design enables changing of intervalometer settings while it was running, but that would have required three interrupts, and the Arduino Nano has only two. So instead, I tied the push-button to one of the interrupts and used it cycle through four states. The interrupt routine still needs some debouncing, as it's currently pretty easy to accidentally skip a state.

Here are the states:

1) Run:

Periodically trigger a shutter release while displaying the mode and time to trigger on the LED display.

2) Change operational mode:

A: Interval in seconds and immediate shutter release.

B: Interval in seconds and delayed shutter release.

C: Interval in minutes and immediate shutter release.

D: Interval in minutes and delayed shutter release.

3) Adjust the interval from 1 to 99 seconds or minutes.

4) Adjust the duty cycle of the display from full-on to full-off in increments of 10%.

All of these worked fine, except for the fourth. I thought this feature would be helpful because the display was so bright and got so warm, I was concerned that it would drain the intervalometer battery before the camera battery was drained. It turned out that the display was just as warm with the LEDs disabled.  Since this feature didn't do what I had intended, I ended up just unplugging the power from the display, once the intervalometer was started.

I found that an interval of 30 seconds would look pretty good. And, with a 10 second exposure and the 15 seconds it takes for the camera to process the image, it's quite possible. However, I found that when doing time exposures, the camera's battery lasts only between 150 and 180 images, and that makes a video that's only five or six seconds long, covering only 90 minutes of real time at most. So until I can set up an external power supply for the camera, I've set the interval to 60 seconds and made the video with 2 frames for each image, or 15 rather than 30 frames per second.

I used the following camera settings:

    Sensor/Lens combination: Crop/12mm
    Aperture: f2.8
    Exposure: 10 Seconds
    ISO: 12800
    Image Size: S2 1920 x 1280
    Display: Min brightness to save energy.
    Long Exposure Noise Reduction: Enabled

I made the video in Kdenlive by selecting "Project", "Import Slide Show Clip", importing the still images, then setting "Frame Duration" to "00:00:00,2".

It turned out pretty well, especially the way it shows Venus and Jupiter setting on the Pacific. One thing that bothered me, and you'll probably notice it now that I mention it, is that occasionally the image jerks. I wondered if there could be some missing images, so I wrote this script to calculate the intervals between all the images. And, sure enough, occasionally the interval was 120 or 180 seconds rather than 60 seconds.
Perhaps using an infrared shutter release wasn't the best idea. Maybe a wired shutter release would be more reliable. I also checked the Arduino specs and it turns out that the the digital pins can only source 20 mA. I should have driven the LED with a transistor that would have provided more current.

One happy coincidence occurred on the night of my first test run. The night of January 1st was the first night in almost two weeks that the sky hadn't been completely obscured by rain clouds. I didn't notice anything unusual in the sky until I had assembled the still images into a video. Was that a comet in the first second of the video? Yes! Here's a still from that sequence. Just go straight up from the palm tree. It's comet Leonard which, according to NASA, will never be seen again because if it survives its closest approach to the Sun, it will continue on a trajectory out of the solar system.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Messages from Space 2021

Every year between Christmas and New Years Day, the International Space Station reconfigures their amateur repeater to continuously send slow scan television images to Earth. Slow scan television is something like a facsimile image. The color and brightness of each horizontal line of the image is represented by audio tones transmitted over the radio. To receive these images you need a VHF FM radio receiver and software to record and decode the images. You also need software loaded with what are called the "Keplerian elements" -  numbers that predict the orbit of satellites such as the ISS. This enables you to tell when to tune in and where to point the radio antenna. Typically a satellite will be in range for ten or so minutes when it passes overhead. 

Last year I posted a slow scan television image that I received on from the International Space Station over the winter break. For that I used my FT-2980 transceiver wired to my PC and a ground plane antenna. The images I received were pretty clean.  This year I was visiting relatives and had only a laptop and an FT-60 handheld with a "rubber duck" antenna. With the assistance of my niece, we tuned in and held the radio up to the laptop and were able to capture some images. 

Quality wasn't perfect because the microphone in the laptop picked up sounds around us - such as this:

The software we used to decode the images was called QSSTV. This app not only converts the tones into an image, it provides some visualization of the incoming signal. If you are wondering what a rooster crow looks like in a waterfall plot, here it is:

A waterfall plot breaks up tones and displays the lower tones on the left and higher tones on the right. As new tones are captured and analyzed, they are added to the top, and the image scrolls down. Most of the fuzzy lines across the images, however, occurred when the signal from space randomly faded out. It wasn't because of the chickens!

The theme this year was lunar exploration, and there were twelve different images sent commemorating various moon missions. All amateur radio stations must identify themselves, so in the images you can see the U.S. callsign NA1SS and the Russian callsign RSOISS. The onboard station is operated by astronauts from both nations.

ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station) was offering a certificate for anyone sending a copy of their captured image along with information about how and when the image was received. We filled out the form, sent it in, and the next day received this certificate: