First I took measurements of the phone and designed a holder on paper. I found that the plastic angle
Next I glued the pieces using Testors liquid cement. This stuff actually melts the plastic and forms a great bond. Another advantage is that it's fast-drying. I used alligator clips, a pin-vice, and a hemostat to clamp the pieces while they dried.
I wanted to use the "cubby hole" in the dash to hold the mount. I took measurements and found that it was shaped like a truncated pyramid. What a complex shape! I did my best to measure the inside of the box, and constructed a box to mount the smart phone holder on. When I did my final test fit, I found that the box was too wide to be fully inserted into the cubby hole! The reason was that I had measured the cubby hole at the middle, but the inner edges were rounded so it was just a little narrower where it made contact with my box. Here's the beauty of styrene. I cut the box in half longitudinally, taking out a few millimeters of material. I used more angles to re-connect the now slightly narrower box. This time it fit perfectly. I connected the holder to the mount and put a little piece of velcro at the bottom to keep it steady.
I have yet to paint it. If I paint it, it'll be white because styrene has a tendency to melt in the hot sun.